The Project


Simplicity, beauty, elegance extending indoor living to outdoor spaces …

Moon Gate Hotel & Spa consists of 49 suites set across seven buildings, each offering a captivating view of one of Antigua’s most beautiful beaches, Half Moon Bay.

Suites are fully furnished with a wide range of amenities. They have been carefully designed with the aim of creating a community of like-minded individuals seeking an authentic experience, balancing laidback island life, with the amenities and ambiance of a modern Caribbean open plan home. The sophisticated suites boast spectacular views. The ground floor suites have individual plunge pools while the penthouse suites have a fully equipped kitchen and plunge pool available for the exclusive use of their occupants.

Moon Gate offers a unique Caribbean “barefoot chic” lifestyle, extending indoor living to outdoor spaces, within a three-minute walk from the gorgeous white sands and pristine waters of Half Moon Bay.

How did Moon Gate get its name?

There’s a lot of history behind the name of Moon Gate Hotel & Spa. The fabled moon gate, a circular architectural feature can trace its roots back thousands of years to ancient Chinese architecture. The design is usually incorporated into garden walls, acting as passageways from one area to another. Years ago they were often built in the gardens of wealthy nobles and these days reinterpreted moon gates can be found across the USA and UK. They are said to offer an auspicious welcome and good fortune to all those who pass through. There are many other interpretations of this traditional garden feature, one being that the circular gateway rises out of the earth, like the moon rises in the sky, in celebration of the continuous cycle of life.

Moon Gate Says ‘I Love You’ To The Planet By Incorporating Green Technology And Sustainable Practices.

Demand for a more sustainable lifestyle drives innovation and creativity at Moon Gate. The resort’s strong sustainability ethos is investing in green infrastructure and eco-landscaping to minimise its impact on the environment. Key eco-friendly resort amenities will fundamentally support local producers, artisans and strengthen cultural heritage activities. These valuable green credentials will allow the resort to operate with an instilled sense of responsibility without sacrificing on luxurious comfort.

Half Moon Bay, St. Phillip’s P.O. Box 1275 St. John’s, Antigua
Phone: 1 268 562 2625


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